New Faces
At DeAbreu, we are always interested in meeting new and aspiring talent. We are a “Mother Agency” and specialize in working with talent that are ‘just beginning’. Most people that walk through our doors are brand new to the industry! It is the job of our modeling and acting instructors to provide you with all the tools and information needed to go as far in the industry as your talent will take you.
DeAbreu not only shares their vast insider knowledge of the industry with you, but has the connections to larger markets in New York City, Los Angeles, and Florida. This information and knowledge is what you will need to take your career to the next level. At our Fashion Extravaganzas held twice each year, agents from all over the country will be in attendance looking for their next big star.

Open Call

We hold open calls once a month at our office for models and actors ages 5 and up. When coming to an audition, please bring a candid non-returnable snapshot. Females should wear high heels, a cute and trendy ensemble, and minimal to no makeup. Males should wear khakis or slacks and a polo-style shirt; no tennis shoes please. Kids should look cute and playful, wearing bright colors; no tennis shoes please. An adult must accompany minors under the age of 18.
At the audition, everyone will be asked to do a cold read of a commercial that we provide on camera. You will learn the correct way to walk the runway and demonstrate it for us and take a few digital headshots. There is absolutely no charge for the audition. If you would like a private appointment, please call the office.